Scaling Objects

To scale an object that is not currently selected:

1.   Click the Scale tool that appears to the left of the screen. Or press the S key.

2.   Click an object in your landscape design to select it.

3.   Click the object again, but this time hold down the left mouse button as you move the mouse up or down to enlarge or shrink the object. Or press Enter to scale the object manually.

To scale multiple selected objects:

1.   Move your mouse over one of the selected objects you want to scale.

2.   Click and hold the left mouse button, and then move the mouse up or down to enlarge or shrink all selected objects. Or press Enter to scale the selected objects manually.

Tip: Objects can also be scaled directly without using the Scale tool. For details, see Moving Objects.

See also:

Selecting Objects
Moving Objects
Rotating Objects
Mirroring Objects
Cut, Copy, & Paste
Grouping & Ungrouping Objects
Setting Object Properties
Undoing and Redoing Changes