Sculpting the Terrain

A wide variety of terrain sculpting tools are included in Realtime Landscaping. Whether you have the challenge of designing around a steeply sloping property, or simply need to add a raised flower bed, these terrain sculpting objects will help you to design the topology.

The following objects are available for sculpting the terrain:

Slope – Slopes add a steady grade to your landscape design.
Height Grid – Height grids can be used to raise or lower the terrain at specific points.
Height Map – Height maps are used to raise or lower terrain based on an image.
Height Painter - Height Painters let you sculpt the terrain by "painting" the height changes.
Area Grader – Area Graders are used to raise or lower the terrain based on a shape.
Path Grader – Path Graders are used to raise or lower the terrain based on a path.
Contour Line (Architect) – Contour Lines are used to modify the terrain based on lines of constant elevation.

The following objects are not specific to terrain sculpting, but can also sculpt the terrain:

Retaining Wall