Snap Settings
Position snapping and angle snapping are powerful helpers that allow you to achieve greater accuracy when designing and editing objects. When an object or a point “snaps,” it is positioning itself at a point of interest, such as a grid intersection or the edge of another shape on your design.
To edit snap settings:
- From the Settings menu, click Snap Settings. Or press G.
- Modify the settings as needed and then click OK.
Enable snaps
Enable all position-based snapping.
Enable grid snapping. When grid snapping is enabled, objects and points will snap to the grid intersections.
Enable point snapping. When point snapping is enabled, objects and points will snap to the points of nearby shapes.
Enable edge snapping. When edge snapping is enabled, objects and points will snap to the edges of nearby shapes.
Enable midpoint snapping. When midpoint snapping is enabled, objects and points will snap to the midpoints of nearby shape edges.
Enable center snapping. When center snapping is enabled, objects and points will snap to the center of nearby shapes.
Enable tangent snapping. When adding a new shape, if the first point is placed on a curve, then the second point will snap to the line which is tangent to that edge.
Enable extension snapping. When adding a new shape, if the first point is placed on the endpoint of a line, then the second point will snap to a line parallel to the starting line.
Enable perpendicular snapping. When adding a new shape, if the first point is placed on the edge of an existing shape, then the second point will snap to a direction perpendicular to that edge.
Show tooltips
Enable snap tooltips. When tooltips are enabled, a small information box will explain what is currently being snapped to.
Show drawing aids
Show additional information about what is currently being snapped to. For example, when snapping to an extension a dashed line will appear showing where the extension originates from.
Snap tolerance
Distance, in pixels, at which your mouse cursor will snap to the target. Because distance is measured in pixels, the snapping tolerance will intuitively adjust to your zoom level and monitor size.
Enable Angle Snap
Enable angle snaps. When angle snaps are enabled, objects will snap to the Snap angle when they are rotated.
Snap angle
What angles objects will snap to when they are rotated.
Show grid
Enable visibility of the grid. The grid does not need to be visible for objects to snap to it.
Disable grid snap when hidden
Disable grid snapping when the grid is hidden. This option is more intuitive for new users.
Follow terrain topology in Perspective view
Project the grid over the terrain, following its changes in elevation. Uncheck this option for a flat grid.
Grid size
Size of each grid square in feet or meters.
Grid angle
Grid rotation angle in degrees. Use a positive angle for counter-clockwise, or a negative angle for clockwise.
Major line every
Rate at which darker grid lines appear. For example, if the Grid size is set to 1 foot, and this setting is 10, then a dark grid line will appear every 10 feet.
Grid color
Current color of the grid.
- Press G to access the snap settings dialog.
- All position snapping can be quickly enabled or disabled by clicking the Toggle Snaps button found to the left of the screen, or by pressing Ctrl + G.
- The visibility of the grid can be quickly enabled or disabled by clicking the Toggle Grid button found to the left of the screen, or by pressing Ctrl + I.
- Angle snapping can be quickly enabled or disabled by pressing Ctrl + A.