Zooming the View

To zoom using the Zoom tool:

1.   Click the Zoom button that is found to the left of the screen.

2.   Position your mouse cursor inside the landscape design and then hold down the left mouse button. Move the mouse up and down to zoom in and out. When finished, release the left mouse button.


Zooming will move your view closer to or farther away from what you are currently looking at. For example, you could zoom in on a single plant or zoom out to view your entire design.

The mouse cursor automatically jumps to the other side of the screen when it reaches the edge of the viewport, making it easy to zoom large distances.


    Using only your mouse, there are two other ways to zoom that will save you time. If your mouse has a wheel, simply roll the wheel up or down to zoom. The other method is to hold down both the left and right mouse buttons while moving the mouse up or down. Either mouse shortcut is faster and more efficient than selecting the Zoom button every time you need to zoom your view.

    The zoom direction can be reversed by changing the Reverse mouse zoom direction option in Program Settings.

    You can optionally zoom into the current mouse position rather than the center of the screen. See Program Settings for details.

See also:

Plan View
Perspective View
Realtime Walkthrough
Panning the View
Orbiting the View
Zooming into the Selection
Zooming into a Rectangle
Program Settings