Window Properties




Symbol (Architect)

Symbol that represents the window in the Plan view.


Type of window.

Material options

Options for customizing the window's appearance.


Horizontal size of the window.


Vertical size of the window.


Distance of the window from the base of the wall.

Flip model horizontal

Invert the window model from left to right.

Flip symbol horizontal (Architect)

Invert the window symbol from left to right. Note that this only affects the symbol shown in the Plan view.

Flip symbol vertical (Architect)

Invert the window symbol from top to bottom. Note that this only affects the symbol shown in the Plan view.


Glass & Covering



Type of window covering, such as Venetian blinds, miniblinds, and solid shade. Use Covering Amount to determine how much of the window is covered.


Determines if the day or night interior settings are used based on the current time of day. This affects the Interior Tint and Facade properties (described below).


How reflective the window glass is.

Covering amount

How much the window is covered by the selected covering.

Covering color

Color of the window covering.




Show interior

Show the interior of the house. This cuts a hole in the wall, allowing you to view your design from inside the house. If the Facade option is enabled, then a simulated interior of the house will be visible when viewing the window from the outside.

Daytime tint

Darken/tint the interior of the house during the daytime.

Nighttime tint

Darken/tint the interior of the house during the evening.

Add interior facade

Add a simulated interior to the house. There are two lighting variations of each interior, one for daytime and one for night. The variation will be chosen automatically based on the current time of day and the Lighting property.

Use default room size and position

Uncheck this option to enter a custom room size and/or position. This is useful when you have multiple adjacent windows and want them all to appear to be in the same room.

Room width

Apparent (virtual) width of the facade.

Horizontal offset

Shift the center of the facade left or right. Use a positive offset to shift the room left, or a negative value to shift it right. Use 0 to center the room in the window.

Vertical offset

Shift the center of the facade up or down. Use a positive offset to shift the room down, or a negative value to shift it up. Use 0 to center the room in the window.

See also:

Adding a Window
Adding a Door
Adding a House
Setting Object Properties
Selecting Objects
Editing Objects
Editing Materials