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Fence Properties

Style Choose from a predefined set of fence styles. Once you choose a fence style, you can customize it as desired.
Material The material the fence will use.
Material options Options for customizing the fence material.
Stepped Stagger the fence vertically as it ascends or descends over uneven terrain. This has no effect on fences that are placed on flat terrain.
Shadow Box Alternate boards on each side of the fence.
Switch sides Switch which side of the fence the boards are placed on.
Edit points Enable or disable point editing mode, which will allow you to modify the fence shape. See Editing Points for details.
Shape options Save the existing shape or load a new one. For more details, see Saving and Loading Shapes.
Elevation Distance from the bottom of the fence to the ground.
Rail style Determines if vertical fence boards are added. If set to Ranch, then no boards will be added.
Post height How tall the fence posts are.
Post spacing Maximum distance between any two posts.
Rail offset Controls the spacing between fence rails. Use 0 for evenly distributed railing.
Number of rails Number of horizontal rails.
Cap style Type of post caps to use. Different cap styles can give your fence a unique appearance.
Board style Style of fence boards to use. This will have the largest effect on the appearance of your fence.
Board width Width of each individual fence board.
Board height Height of each individual fence board.
Board spacing Distance between fence boards.
Board offset Distance between the bottom of the boards and the bottom of the fence. For example, this could be used to add a six-inch gap underneath the fence boards.
Save style… Save your fence properties as a style that can be used in other designs.
Length Total distance from the start of the fence to the end in feet or meters.

See also: