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Appearance Settings

These settings allow you to customize the appearance of the user interface based on your preferences.

Landscape Design Software - User Interface Settings

Color theme

Change the user interface to use a light, medium, or dark color scheme.

Enable Selection Outlines

Displays outlines around 3D geometry in the selected objects. Additionally, outlines appear in a different color around highlighted objects (described below).

  • Colors

    Sets the outline color for highlighted and selected objects.

  • Brightness

    Adjusts the brightness of the selection outlines. Set to 100% for maximum brightness, or a lower the value to reduce their intensity.

  • Reset

    Resets the selection outline colors and brightness to their default settings.

Highlight Object Under Cursor

Displays an outline around an object when the mouse hovers over it, indicating that the object can be selected with a click. Objects can also be selected by drawing a selection rectangle around them, and this option also highlights objects under the cursor as you draw the rectangle.

Show print margins in Plan view (Architect)

Dashed lines will appear around the workspace in the Plan view. These represent the printable area based on the currently selected printer. Anything outside the dashed lines might get cut off when the design is printed to paper.

Include design detail when printing Perspective view

When printing the Perspective view or taking a screenshot, contour lines, 3D dimensions, and other design details are typically omitted. Check this option to include those details in your output.

See Also