Entering Angle and Distance

When adding the points to draw a new shape-based object, press Enter to manually enter the angle and distance relative to the last point placed. The angle can be input either as degrees or as a survey bearing. Survey bearings are useful when adding property lines.


Entering Angles

Click the Angle option to enter the angle of the next point in degrees. Refer to the picture to the right of the dialog when entering degrees. Degrees do not depend on the compass angle.

Entering Survey Bearings

Click the Survey bearing option to enter the bearing of the next point in the following format: Direction Degrees Minutes Seconds Direction. The minutes and seconds are optional. When entering survey bearings, the angle of the compass is relevant. Some example survey bearings are shown below:




N 45 30 E

45.5 degrees

N 90 E

0 degrees

S 45 E

315 degrees

N 45 W

135 degrees

N 90 W

180 degrees

S 45 W

225 degrees


Determines the distance between the previous point and the next in feet or meters.