Realtime Landscaping Architect
Design professional landscape plans and presentations.
Create photo-based designs, plan drawings, and even full
3D walkthroughs, all for only $599
2025 Now Available. See What's New
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Realtime Landscaping Architect
Design professional landscape plans and presentations.
Create photo-based designs, plan drawings, and even full
3D walkthroughs, all for only $599
2025 Now Available. See What's New
Maintenance Updates
Maintenance updates include minor fixes and enhancements. Maintenance updates are free, but can only be used with a specific year of Realtime Landscaping Architect.
To install free updates:
- Scroll down to the year of Realtime Landscaping Architect you are currently using.
- Click the Download button to download the most recent update for that year.
New! Realtime Landscaping Architect 2025 is now available. Upgrade to 2025
Updates for Architect 2025
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2025
DownloadTo install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2025 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
Changes in update 25.05 (released January 21, 2025):
- Fixed error that could occur when adding a House Light to a House with the roof pitch set to 0.
- Fixed case where edging could appear uneven when added to sloping terrain.
- Fixed case where overlapping mirrored surfaces could cause rendering artifacts.
- Fixed error that could occur when moving an Accessory with Snap to Surface enabled.
- Fixed case where the Custom Material editor was not restoring the original Smoothness setting when resetting the defaults.
- Modified Railing to enable the Maintain Constant Slope option by default.
Changes in previous updates:
- Fixed Art Browser to restore the last used window position and monitor.
- Fixed error that could occur while starting the software if the page margins cannot be determined due to a printer error.
- Fixed case where the view could jump while panning.
- Fixed Hedge leaves to match the color and brightness of the base material when a custom material is applied.
- Optimized the Path Tracer to use less memory, especially in complex designs.
- Fixed case where the Sprinkler Head perimeter was not displaying properly when the angle was less than 360 degrees.
- Fixed error that could occur when importing elevations using the Elevation Import Wizard.
- Fixed case where creating a custom symbol containing Revision Clouds was not displaying properly.
- Fixed error that could occur when importing Pool Stairs and/or Pool Seats from Realtime Landscaping Pro 2023 or earlier.
- Fixed case where some entry fields displayed truncated text on 4K monitors.
- Added support for localized decimal separator (e.g. comma).
- Fixed cases where Realtime Movie path was jerky compared to 2023.
- Fixed case where setting the time simultaneously on multiple Realtime Camera viewpoints did not apply correctly.
- Fixed case where some objects were not appearing in the Realtime Camera preview window.
- Fixed artifacts that could appear when using the Path Tracer to render a design which includes trees that have a Base Clearance greater than 0.
- Fixed Symbols to appear at their original size when using the Add Symbol tool.
- Fixed cases where window symbols were not appearing properly over walls in the Plan view.
- Fixed Jumping Jet to rotate properly about its pivot. Also improved the quality of the jet model.
- Fixed case where Pool Seat and Pool Stair materials were reporting an incorrect size in the Project Material List.
- Fixed cases where overlapping houses, doors, and/or windows caused the program to run more slowly.
- Fixed case where location-based shadows dialog box was incorrectly reporting an invalid time zone.
- Fixed case where pressing Enter while drawing a line was not setting the entered distance.
- Plant CAD symbol outlines are now darker when printed or exported.
Updates for Architect 2023
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2023 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
Changes in update 23.20 (released May 18, 2024):
- Fixed case where pool water volume calculation was not taking pool stairs/steps into account.
- Fixed case where moving an area grader was causing unexpected terrain changes.
- Fixed case where moving door, window, and building light objects could produce unexpected results.
- Fixed case where bold and other text styles were not working properly when adding text.
- Fixed case where thumbnails were blank on older laptops using Radeon R5 or R7 chipsets.
- Fixed case where the Realtime Camera was not properly transitioning to certain times of day.
- Fixed cases where Print Grid option was not working.
Changes in previous updates:
- Fixed case where grass could flicker on some Radeon RX video cards.
- Fixed Mirror tool to support snapping to the selected object(s).
- Fixed case where depth of field was too subtle in larger screenshots (3000px and up).
- Fixed seams that could appear when creating a panorama screenshot with auto exposure enabled.
- Fixed case where House gable wall textures might not align properly with the wall underneath.
- Photo: When scaling multiple plants, they are now scaled about their individual origins.
- Fixed case where animated caustics could flicker on large bodies of water.
- Fixed error that could occur when adding Curb Ramps to Roads with holes in them.
- Fixed case where Embedded objects were scaling incorrectly when printed to a non-PDF file.
- Fixed case where imported DWG/DXF files could darken after showing or hiding layers.
- Fixed case where Deck Stairs could restore the wrong position when undoing changes to the Deck.
- Fixed case where complex Accents could appear distorted in the Perspective view.
- Fixed case where complex Regions could render incorrectly in the Plan view.
- Fixed case where the Realtime Camera could move slowly between two nearly adjacent points.
- Fixed case where a brief flash could occur during a Realtime Camera transition.
- Fixed Path Graders so they can now be created nearly closed.
- Fixed Printer Margins to render on top of other objects in the Plan view.
- Fixed case where scaling a model unevenly could cause it to appear darker in the Plan view.
- Fixed Create Movie feature to properly calculate the Realtime Camera speed based on the current FPS setting.
- Fixed to allow light glass glow to be customized (when the glow is set to a value greater than zero).
- Fixed case where shadows cast from landscape lights could fail to appear when creating a screenshot.
- Added Program Settings UI option “Include detail lines when printing Perspective view”. When unchecked, construction outlines from Area Graders, Path Graders, and other design-related lines will be omitted when printing the Perspective view while designing. (This option is checked by default.)
- Fixed Plant Symbol transparency to be applied when adding a new Plant.
- Fixed case where the Company Logo was not always rendering in 3D Labels.
- Fixed case where a DWG overlay was not updating in Perspective view after editing layers.
- Fixed case where a Plant Legend exported to Excel and added as an OLE object could appear as a white rectangle.
- Fixed case where Retaining Wall and Patio elevations near elevated Pools could change when opening a design.
- Photo: Fixed to only import visible objects when using the 3D Design Wizard.
- Improved the appearance of plants (models and UltraRes) when viewed from a distance.
- When switching plants, the default plant symbol is now updated.
- Improved responsiveness of the progress dialog when rendering movies and screenshots.
- Fixed error that could occur when using Page Setup dialog without any printers installed.
- Fixed objects to show their full properties and measurements when initially added.
- Added support for extended wav files that include markers and other info.
- Fixed case where imported models were not rendering correctly.
- Fixed error that could occur when editing roof types.
- Added support for stereo ambient sound files.
- Added additional checks to ensure custom ambient sound files are in the required format (WAV, 16-bit, 44100Hz or higher).
- Fixed error that could occur when creating a movie that uses a custom audio file that is not in the required format.
- Fixed error that could occur when importing textures over 8192×8192 in size.
- Fixed error that could occur when rendering screenshots on computers with integrated GPUs.
- Fixed error that could occur when closing the software.
- Fixed error that could occur when rapidly selecting objects on computers with slower video cards.
- Fixed case where string lights were not restoring their animation setting.
- Fixed error that could occur when exiting the program.
- Fixed case where snowfall could become detached from the view when creating a winter movie.
- Fixed Accent Strips and Accent Shapes to support custom material settings.
- Fixed error that could occur when creating String Lights with only one bulb.
- Fixed text editor dialog to properly map Unicode characters entered using Alt+nnn method.
- Greatly Improved performance when working with large terrain.
- Photo: Fixed to properly print designs with background pictures that are wider than they are tall.
- Improved Path Grader performance on large terrains.
- Improved Rock Border performance on large terrains.
- Fixed Perpendicular snap to work in conjunction with the previous perpendicular snap.
- Fixed inaccuracy that could occur when creating long lines using the Angle/Distance dialog.
- Enhanced the Time of Day control to include a slider option.
- Fixed case where plant keys created by the Plant Label Wizard were not being saved and loaded.
- Fixed case where plant symbols could be cutoff when exporting the view to a PDF.
- Disabled GPU timeouts on systems that support DirectX 11.1.
- Edging with small curved sections are now more refined.
- When adding a shape, clicking on the last point no longer finishes the shape. This prevents the shape from being finished when accidentally double clicking. Right-clicking will close the shape as usual.
- Added option to render Dimensions in screenshots and Realtime Walkthroughs.
- Enhanced Alt+N support to include symbols 1-31.
- Added option to adjust the PDF output quality level. Low is 150 dpi, Medium is 300 dpi, and High is 600 dpi.
- Fixed error that could occur when editing a Height Painter.
- Improved point editing performance on very large custom models.
- Added support for archives over 2GB. Archives can now be any size.
- Added support for legacy snapping behavior when adding a new shape. To enable, check the option “Program Settings > User Interface > Use legacy snap behavior when adding new shapes”.
- Fixed case where overlays were not displaying proper transparency in the Plan view.
- Fixed the Animation Object to reverse the movement direction when the path is closed.
- Fixed case where setting a small elevation using the Move dialog was not being applied due to snapping.
- Fixed Move dialog to display initial values in meters instead of centimeters for consistency.
- Added support for arrow keys in the Move dialog to switch between movement and elevation.
- Fixed case where editing a multilevel deck could cause a stuck hourglass.
- Fixed case where videos were playing at double speed on Microsoft Media Player when using a custom stereo sound.
- Fixed case where accents were not hiding after being moved to a hidden layer.
- Fixed case where point snapping was not working properly when adjacent to two perpendicular corners.
- Fixed case where very large custom models could not be selected by clicking them.
- Fixed error that could occur when attempting to edit custom materials of a “Window Glass” window.
- Fixed case where deck skirting was rendering with incorrect shading.
- Fixed case where textures with transparency were casting incorrect shadows.
- Fixed error that could occur when browsing for plants and adjusting the information window height.
- Fixed case where scaled plant legends were reverting to their original size.
- Enhanced video card error recovery handling.
- Internal engine changes to help reduce video memory usage.
- Fixed art browser Search button to work when already pressed.
- Fixed door/window reflections to work properly when the “Flip model horizontally” option is checked.
- Fixed case where the default resolution displayed was not correct when taking a screenshot.
- Updated Unilock and RI Lampus materials.
- Added new Unilock UCARA fireplaces, gas fireplaces, and grill islands.
- Added new lattice textures for desk skirting and custom objects.
- Updated Panel Fence and Panel Fence Gate models to use more realistic materials.
- When creating a movie, the view now updates to show the frame being rendered.
- Fixed error that could occur when trying to import a model with over 1 million triangles.
- Fixed error that could occur when attempting to change a plant picture to a solid color.
- Fixed stepped retaining wall elevation lines to render properly.
- Reduced minimum Retaining Wall width from 6″ (0.15m) to 1″ (2.54 cm).
- Fixed error that could occur when creating a Hedge with two collinear points.
- Fixed case where custom materials for Stone Edging and Panel Fencing were resetting to their default values.
- Fixed case where semi-transparent objects were not rendering in the proper order in the Plan view.
- Fixed error that could occur when creating a sidewalk with only two collinear points and an attached curb ramp.
- Removed the “Snap to Surface” options from the Sprinkler Head and Jumping Jet objects (since that option is not compatible with those objects).
- Fixed case where overlapping pools could return incorrect water perimeter and/or coping measurements.
- Added “All Files” option to the Terrain Import Wizard file prompt (for importing files with non-standard extensions).
- Fixed Fountain and Jumping Jet objects to hide their effects when the objects are hidden.
- When starting a movie from the Realtime Walkthrough dialog, the dialog is now dismissed before staring the movie.
- Fixed case where custom window materials were not being applied properly.
- Fixed case where the Round Corners tool wasn’t working on shapes placed over uneven topology.
- Overlays now have a matte surface in Perspective view.
- Fixed error that could occur when importing elevations from a CSV file.
- Fixed case where shadows on modeling objects were not correct.
- Fixed Round Corners tool to work on lines which are nearly parallel.
- Fixed glass in Gate35 which was not attached to the doors.
- Moved legacy U-Cara models to category named “Modular 2022”.
- Duplicate Realtime Cameras are now listed when creating a movie to make duplicates are easier to find.
- Fixed case where objects were not snapping properly to roofs.
- Fixed case where the Window Glass object was not cutting a hole in the building wall.
- Fixed case where the preview window was black while creating a movie.
- Fixed case where water foam could disappear while editing.
- Fixed cases where the Mirror command was not properly orienting objects that are snapped to surfaces.
- Fixed cases where the Align command could produce incorrect results.
- Fixed case where enabling absolute elevation could change an object’s orientation.
- Fixed fire to not flicker when animated using the Animation object.
- Fixed case where menus could appear on the wrong monitor in dual monitor setups.
- Fixed case where the Model Import Wizard was not importing textures from FBX files.
- Fixed case where Building plan shadows were incorrect when Transparency is set to 100.
- Fixed Terrain Elevation Import Wizard to work with text and CSV files containing less than 5 columns.
- Other misc. fixes and improvements.
- Photo: Fixed case where Regions were not always matching their outline.
Updates for Architect 2020
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2020
Changes in update 20.06 (released June 1, 2021):
- Fixed case where loading plant Abelia ‘Edward Goucher’ could cause an error.
- Fixed case where an error could occur when starting a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Fixed case where scaling a waterfall could cause an error.
- Fixed case where closing the program while loading a design could cause an error.
- Fixed error that could occur when saving a viewpoint during a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Fixed cases where the 2D shape boolean command was producing an incorrect shape.
- Fixed case where print origin in vertical direction was off by about 1/8″ depending on the printer.
- Fixed case where print margin was not reflecting the currently selected printer.
- Fixed error that could occur when calculating UltraRes plant growth.
- Fixed case where swimming pool water area calculation was incorrect when using a variable depth.
- Fixed to properly import SketchUp models which contain skewed transformation matrices.
- Added support for importing Unilock U-Level elevations using the Elevation Import Wizard.
- Fixed case where negative edge pool water was not appearing in a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Updated Unilock, R.I. Lampus, and EP Henry materials.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2020 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
Updates for Architect 2018
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2018
Changes in update 18.05 (released April 16, 2020):
- Added Unilock U-Cara kitchen modules.
- Added support for snapping U-Cara modules to each other.
- Removed Unilock branding from their outdoor kitchen elements. (The objects are still present, but they now have generic names.)
- Enhanced the Terrain Elevation Import Wizard with options to increase slicing resolution and rotate points to match current compass direction.
- Modified the Art Browser to automatically display a tooltip if the product name does not fit within the thumbnail.
- Added option for swapping mouse buttons during a Realtime Walkthrough (Environment Settings > Realtime Walkthrough). When option is enabled, the left mouse button moves the viewpoint and the right mouse button throws fish food.
- Fixed to calculate pool information when pool object is excluded from the project material list via the advanced options dialog.
- Fixed case where pool finish and tile calculations could be incorrect.
- Fixed case where DWG importer could fail when importing a drawing containing referenced objects which are out of range.
- Modified the Model Import Wizard to import files created using SketchUp 2019 or earlier.
- Updated Unilock materials.
- Improved realism of plant models illuminated by spotlights during a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Modified Stone Edging to allow for a larger maximum gap between stones (up to 3′ or 0.91 m).
- Fixed case where the Height Painter tool was causing grass to disappear during a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Fixed case where the Picture object had blank spots when exporting the Plan view to PDF.
- Fixed cases where Text, Overlay, and Road Decal objects were appearing during a Realtime Walkthrough even though they were configured not to.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2018 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
Updates for Architect 2017
New! Realtime Landscaping Architect 2023 is now available. Upgrade to 2023
Updates for Architect 2016
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2016
Changes in update 16.11 (released December 7, 2016):
- Fixed Overlay to properly regenerate Perspective view when DWG layers are changed.
- Fixed error that could occur when using a Plant Fill object with a Minimum Spacing of less than 6″ (0.15m).
- Fixed to automatically backup the design being edited when the file path includes the AutoBackup folder.
- Fixed error that could occur when importing a square photo.
- Fixed cursive fonts to render with more accurate spacing.
- Fixed slight inaccuracy that could occur when moving a single point while using the Shift key to constrain movement to a horizontal or vertical line.
- Includes all changes in update 16.10, shown below.
Changes in update 16.10 (released August 9, 2016):
- Fixed custom Pool Seat and Pool Stair materials to appear during a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Updated Oculus Rift drivers to support the newly released consumer version.
- Fixed Curb Ramps to only attach to visible Roads and Sidewalks (and not to objects in hidden layers).
- Increased rendering performance of plant symbols in the Plan view.
- Fixed case where creating a new Stream by loading a shape from the clipboard could cause an error.
- Fixed pool and deck lights to properly snap to vertical surfaces, and also to only snap to visible objects (and not to objects in hidden layers).
- Fixed plants to snap properly to the surface of Streams.
- Updated materials from Unilock, R.I. Lampus, and EP Henry.
- Added “Edge Style” for controlling region edge softness. Also increased max size in “options.ini” from 512 to 2048 to support extra sharp edges if desired.
- Added two varieties of black mulch.
- Added support for importing models from SketchUp 2016.
- Enabled specular lighting at night to make water more visible in a Realtime Walkthrough.
- Slowed down keyboard panning speed while designing.
- Rocks are now reported in the Project Material List based on their model, not their material. This allows different rock styles to be priced separately.
- Fixed error that could occur when starting a Realtime Walkthrough while using a non-looping Character animation with a positive start delay.
- Fixed case where movie creation could fail if the computer’s sound system was not working or the speakers were unplugged.
- Fixed Decks Stairs to only attach to visible Decks (and not to decks in hidden layers).
- Increased influence of Height Painter “Taper” property (most apparent when stamping a large custom brush shape).
- Fixed case where terrain grass patterns were appearing in the horizon line during a Realtime Walkthrough.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2016 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
If you have a question or would like to report a problem, please contact our support department.
Updates for Architect 2014
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2014
Changes in update 6.09 (released April 28, 2015):
- Added new materials from EP Henry.
- Added and updated materials from Unilock and R.I. Lampus.
- Added support for importing models from SketchUp 2014.
- Increased maximum terrain size in Google Maps Import Wizard to 2100×2100′ (640x640m).
- Improved quality of small curves.
- Increased max Sprinkler Head radius from 50 to 200′.
- Updated project material list message.
- Enhanced Art Browser to automatically scroll so the currently selected category button is visible.
- Improved material tooltip to no longer display internal numeric code for solid colors.
- When adjusting the elevation of an object using the mouse, the elevation now only snaps to 0 when global snaps are enabled.
- Replaced morning birds audio due to DRM false-positives on YouTube.
- Photo: Added full set of stone and paver materials to Edging object.
- Photo: Changed option “Include background in water reflections” to “Enable water reflections”. This will enable the pool interior to be seen more clearly and removes the “gray haze” that was otherwise seen when background reflections were disabled.
- Fixed movie creation to go to the correct YouTube website when the option is selected, which bypasses the normal upload dialog.
- Fixed plan detail Curve object to always default to a spline, regardless of the previous use of the Shape object.
- Fixed Landscape Light area of influence cone color to match light color.
- Fixed case where Google Maps Import Wizard was accessing the incorrect zoom level, resulting in “no imagery here” message.
- Fixed plant pictures with the “flip vertical” option enabled to render properly during a realtime walkthrough.
- Fixed to draw 3D Dimension label at the correct size when exporting viewport to a file.
- Fixed Australia hardiness zone map and converted temperatures to Celsius.
- Fixed case where an Accent Shape could have transparent stripes when using a solid color.
- Fixed case where the Jumping Jet object was sometimes starting in the “on” state, even though a start delay was specified.
- Fixed UltraRes tree “Long Leaf Pine” which was dropping its foliage during a walkthrough.
- Fixed case where non-square textures were not tiling properly on borders.
- Fixed case where contour line consisting of a single vertical line was not rebuilding properly.
- Fixed case where a flame effect could be added to a small spa that would normally only have one effect.
- Fixed case where pool water was not being property rebuilt during a realtime walkthrough.
- Fixed case where custom textures used in 3D designs were not being properly transferred back to Photo.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2014 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
If you have a question or would like to report a problem, please contact our support department.
Updates for Architect 2013
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2013
Changes in update 5.17 (released August 26, 2013):
- Added R.I. Lampus Paver and Stone materials.
- Added Highpoint Deck Lights.
- Added support for adding deck lights which snap to vertical surfaces.
- Fixed to allow full version to open trial designs which have been saved as archives.
- Fixed standalone Accent objects placed on pools and pool decking to render when Plan view is exported or printed.
- Fixed error that could occur when undoing changes to custom overlay materials.
- Fixed case where printing the project material list could result in repeated blank pages.
- Fixed case where part of the wall could show through doors or windows with closed blinds.
- Fixed Plant Legend to sort numeric plant keys properly.
Changes in update 5.16 (released April 18, 2013):
- Fixed standalone Accent objects placed on pools and pool decking to render when Plan view is exported or printed.
Changes in update 5.15 (released March 30, 2013):
- Fixed picture editor to link to correct online help.
- Fixed Sun Rays graphics setting to work globally instead of being specific to each landscape.
- Improved Plant Growth dialog performance and added progress dialog.
- Reduced spa water brightness at night for a more natural appearance.
- Fixed plant search to work with all plant types.
- Fixed plant pictures to render properly when time of day is set to Noon.
- Fixed the “Help > Check for Updates” command to work for updates newer than 5.12.
- Improved Realtime Camera movement when using a slow movement speed.
- Fixed error that could occur during realtime walkthrough when pond water level is set to 0.
- Increased default DWG shape extract join tolerance from 0.01 to 0.05.
- Modified DWG contour line importer to automatically reset base elevation to 0.
- Fixed Plant Row and Plant Fill objects to update immediately when plant growth and season are changed.
- Fixed to allow deck stairs to be placed near the corner of a deck without removing both posts.
- Fixed Plant Legend to combine multiple UltraRes plants when only their ages differ.
- Fixed Pool Stairs and Pool Seat to properly calculate finish area.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2013 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
If you have a question or would like to report a problem, please contact our support department.
Updates for Architect 2012
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2012
Changes in update 4.17 (released June 5, 2012)
- Fixed potential error that could occur when resizing property window with an Accessory object selected.
- Fixed gap in terrain that could occur due to an overlay which is hidden during a realtime walkthrough.
- Fixed error that could occur when adding the last point of a linear dimension tool by pressing left and right mouse buttons at exactly the same time.
- Fixed linear dimension tool to support manual angle/distance input when specifing the leader line distance.
- Fixed to disable Offset tool when an Overlay is selected.
- Fixed creation tools to avoid case where right-clicking and dragging combined with bringing up a dialog could cause an error.
- Fixed case where where custom plant names may not be properly saved and restored.
Changes in update 4.16 (released April 13, 2012)
- Increased maximum memory usage to support extra-large designs.
- Increased sun size and improved quality.
- Fixed fountain spray object to consistently hide placement arrow during realtime walkthrough.
- Fixed fence board height to more closely match sloping terrain.
- Modified to always render water reflections and refractions when creating a movie or capturing a screen shot (instead of fading based on distance).
- Fixed case where fire and water effects may not render properly when mirrored.
- Fixed case where running a realtime walkthrough on a dual-monitor system could cause an error.
- 3D Text, Plant Fill/Row models can now be converted to custom models (e.g. to create chrome text).
- When returning from the Picture Editor, the original application window is now restored more consistently.
- Increased Path Grader maximum height from +/-50′ to +/-150′
- Photo: Added prompts to help first-time users with the 3D Design Wizard.
- Photo: When done editing a design using the 3D Design Wizard, the design is now automatically rescaled to match the new aspect ratio.
- Photo: When returning to Photo after editing a 3D Design, the Photo application window is now restored more consistently.
Changes in update 4.15 (released February 14, 2012):
- Fixed water reflections which were rendering inverted.
- Improved region and path enhanced surface detail when viewed at a distance.
- Fixed error that could be caused by browsing for a large number of objects.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2012 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
If you have a question or would like to report a problem, please contact our support department.
Updates for Architect 2011
Free Maintenance Update for Version 2011
Changes in update 3.17 (released December 12, 2011, includes update 3.16):
- Fixed “uninvertable matrix” error that could occur when the deck railing height is set to less than 9″.
- Fixed to preserve viewport background when deactivated (applies to Windows XP only).
- Fixed Pools, Decks and Deck Stairs to preserve materials when converting to custom models.
- Fixed bug in software renderer that could cause pictures and plants to render darker than expected.
- Fixed plants and pictures to properly cast shadows when “receive shadows” option is disabled.
- Fixed Pool Decking ‘Calculate’ button which wasn’t working when “Auto clip to pools” option is disabled.
- Fixed memory leak that could cause an error when publishing large designs to Client Dream.
- Increased maximum application memory usage from 2 GB to 4 GB on 64-bit systems.
- Fixed the page setup dialog to display the correct metric page sizes.
- Photo: Fixed to use the correct program directory when multiple Realtime Landscaping products are installed.
- Photo: Fixed to preserve Angle Snap setting when saving/loading design.
Changes in update 3.16 (released May 31, 2011):
- Added Golf Equipment, located in Accessories.
- Added Glass Panel Fences with matching gates, located through the Panel Fence tool.
- Added new Deck Balusters, accessible through the Deck tool.
- Added Residential Solar Panels, located in Accessories, under the “Other” category.
- Added Golf Flag Symbols, accessible through the Symbol object.
- Enhanced infinity edge water to flow over corners.
- Decreased infinity edge water flow rate for increased realism. (Note: The flow rate can be adjusted via options.ini. See “Advanced Options Readme.txt” for details.)
- Improved shadow quality on sloped terrain.
- Increased min/max terrain elevation from 100′ to 150′.
- Increased max custom model elevation to 150′.
- Fixed retaining walls to properly calculate their height when elevated and placed on a slope.
- Fixed panel fence gate styles that had a gap at the bottom. They now all properly line up with corresponding panel fencing.
- Increased maximum size of the Plant Legend object.
- Area Grader changes: Fixed artifacts that could occur with multiple adjacent area graders. Improved outline quality. Improved compatibility with older landscapes.
- When creating Boxes, Cylinders, and Extrusion objects, the creation points now snap to elevated terrain.
- Modified the Extrusion object’s outline to remain attached to the object’s base instead of conforming to the terrain.
- Important: Due to improvements to the terrain system, objects in imported landscapes may require slight elevation adjustment.
- Fixed rare cases where temporary files could conflict when editing multiple landscapes at once.
- Fixed cases where temporary files were not always being deleted.
- Added “-appendlog” command line option for preserving log file between runs. (By default, the log file is deleted each time the application is run.)
- Photo: Fixed Mask object to remove small gap that could appear on right side of picture.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2011 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
If you have a question or would like to report a problem, please contact our support department.
Architect 2 Updates (2009)
Changes in update 2.06 (released April 9, 2010):
- Fixed Picture Import Wizard to return to proper page when Back is clicked from Picture page.
- Modified Overlays to support smooth alpha blending (hardware acceleration required).
- Added support for some advanced options. See “Advanced Options Readme.txt” for details.
- Fixed case where some objects could render in the Plan view even though rendering in that view is disabled.
- Modified Plant Row and Plant Fill objects to rebuild faster when changing the terrain.
- Fixed to automatically unhide hidden realtime cameras when creating movies.
- Fixed sprinklers to render properly when using the software renderer.
- Modified model import wizard to preserve file names for unsupported texture formats (to preserve grouping).
- Fixed possible error that could occur when importing models with over 32k triangles.
- Fixed Plant Label Wizard to add labels to Plant Rows.
- Fixed flowing water to work correctly when creating fountains and waterfalls using the Model Creation Wizard.
- Added prompts when attempting to use the Model Creation Wizard to create an object that does not support water.
- Fixed error that could occur in Realtime Landscaping Photo when creating complex fill regions.
- Fixed some cases where flowing water wasn’t working.
Please call or e-mail our support department to download this update.
To install the update:
- Close Realtime Landscaping Architect 2011 if currently running.
- Click the download link and save the file to your desktop or other folder.
- Double-click the downloaded file to install the update.
Note: This update will also update Realtime Landscaping Photo to the latest version.
If you have a question or would like to report a problem, please contact our support department.
Architect 1 Updates (2008)

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