This guide will show you how to use and edit layers.
Layers are a useful tool when creating and editing your landscape. Let’s start by moving all of our plants into their own layer. Click the Edit Layers button, seen in the image below.
Click Add Layer, and then rename the layer as desired. Then, click OK.
Click Edit, Select, Select All by Type, Landscape, and Plants. Now all of your plants are selected.
Next, click Edit, Move to Layer, and select the new layer.
We are also going to add plant fill and plant rows to this layer. Repeat the previous steps until all of the plants are added into their own layer. Now, you can hide the objects in these layers, so you can easily edit the rest of your landscape. Click the Edit Layers button, then select the Hide option for the Plants layer.
Notice how all of your plants are now hidden.
You can also lock the objects in a layer, to prevent accidental changes while still being able to see them. Click the Edit Layers button, then select the Lock option for the Plants layer.
Note that when an area is highlighted, none of the plants are selected.
When you add a new object to your design. It will be added to the current layer. Make sure you have the desired layer selected here.
There is another feature that makes layers really useful. You can disable objects outside the current layer. Open the layer menu, and select the Disable (lock and gray) objects outside the current layer option.
The objects outside the current layer will appear gray and cannot be selected. Note that everything, except for the plants, appears gray. When you switch to another layer, the plants will be disabled. This allows you to see where certain objects would be, without them blocking the view of the area you are trying to work on.
You can access the help menu, for more information and ideas on how to use layers.
Thank you for reading this guide, and please feel free to contact us for more information about our software.